Thomas Kinkade’s latest vision of America’s heartland, “Summer’s Heritage”, is the perfect reminder of what we celebrating
every Fourth of July. No other artist is able to capture the charm and heart of our great nation quite like Thomas Kinkade.
To help celebrate Thom’s latest release we are offering a website exclusive free gift with purchase. Through the month of July we will include a Canvas Miniature of Thom’s classic “End of a Perfect Day II” as a free gift while supplies last.

“America’s heritage and character was forged on storied ranches and farmhouses
that dot the plains and foothills of our magnificent country. Everyday, the
ranching and farming families … nature’s caretakers … vest strength and
energy caring for creation while in turn harvesting its bountiful rewards.
As I thought of memorializing the impact of the family farms and ranches across
our country, I imagined a grandfather starting his old reliable tractor early in
the morning surrounded by a cohort of animals oblivious to his chores and
duties. And what a great adventure for any youngster anxious to explore and
leave a mark on granddad’s farm … the tractor, the barn, the animals, trees
and pond … could there be a better heritage afforded by summer … could there
be a better forge for character … not likely!”